Big Data In Marketing Masterclass

We define Big Data In  Marketing as a marketing process that is automated to such a degree that it can be steered by setting a business objective in a marketing software system. This implies that the marketing system should be intelligent and knowledge-able enough to understand a high-level objective, such as the acquisition of new customers or revenue maximization, to plan and execute a sequence of business actions, such as an adver-tisement campaign or price adjustment, with the aim of achiev-ing the objective, and to learn from the results to correct and optimize the actions if needed. In this course, we also use the term programmatic to refer to highly automated marketing software systems and services, and the terms algorithmic and programmatic are used interchangea-bly in most contexts.

Speaker: Chris Harisson (Africa Partner of The Brand Inside), Timothy Oriedo ( MIT trained and certified Data Scientist), Lenny Nganga(CEO & Founder Saracen OMD)
Location: Intercontinental Hotel Nairobi


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