Mastering Predictive Analytics With Python

This course aims to teach you importance of analytics in this new era of rapidly growing innovation and technologies. From identifying a business problem to building a predictive analytics model, you will taken through every possible stage of Data Science Life Cycle. While we teach you state-of-art machine learning algorithms, we take you through the tricks of fine tuning, avoiding bias and variance. Each domain has its own way of solving analytical problems, although the machine learning algorithms are the same, what differs is Feature Extraction.

We will teach you how to extract features for domains like Banking, Telecom and Retail. Curse of dimensionality is something that bothers data scientists a lot, we will teach you how to engineer the features and reduce the dimensions or pick the best. At the end of this course, you will acquire skills to even compete in Hackathons and Data Science platforms like Kaggle.

This course will take 8 weeks and you will master data science concepts from data science life cycle to neural networks.

Speaker: Timothy Oriedo ( MIT trained and certified Data Scientist) , Saikumar Allaka (Senior Analyst at Equity Bank), James Kimani (Control and Automation Specialist at Coca-Cola Beverages Africa), Allan Zablon (Data Analytics Expert, currently serving as a Senior Statistician at The Budget and planning office, in the Kisii County Treasury)
Location: Intercontinental Hotel


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